Friday, March 19, 2010

I-City Park City, Seksyen 7 Shah Alam

I-City is located in Sek 7 Shah Alam.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday yang sibuk

nananana henpon i bebunyi...dahla malam rabu..dahla boss yang call..ape la lagi kan..hadiah misteri malam rabu ialah kena coordinate activity malam with vendor ..cis cis cis..but what to do..ikutkan aje went to sleep only @ around 3 a.m in the morning..

and what happened to Adam lately? Why do you have to wake up at 2 a.m in the morning and started to play? sambil tersenyum2..hang tau dak mummy ade keje and mummy saaangat ngantuk...ok layanz..

Kat office pulak ada meeting start kol 10 a,m although I am entitled to come later by 11 a,m. So rugila tak bole datang lebih lewat.

Why people have to be so defensive when all they have to do is be cooperative and check their system (whether nazak or hampir kiok) supaya tak nyusahkan org lain. Tak payah sampai kena panggil meeting baru nak cek kan? Tiba2 yang rosak dah baik..and as usual "we did no changes"..dowh!!

Letihkan dok opis camni? Apa kata hiburkan hati pergi ICT @ sek7 shah alam. Surprisingly, the place was crowded with soooo many the place is so damn nice..macam ape ha? Macam malam krismas kat leeds..eceh..ada bnyk lampu warna warni and meriah sungguh lah...cuma lack 1 je..takde elemen water fountain ..malas nak tepek gambar..dah hampir nak tersembam dah...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mummy, I want to eat!

Apa dah jadi harini? Teacher bilang, Adam buat pangai. Pangai ape?
Waktu teacher sibuk bagi makan pada bebudak lain sambil meriba Adam, Adam dah aim baik punya then prangggggg..abis mangkuk kat tangan teacher terlangkup..adeke itu tanda protes, atau tanda kelaparan?

I'll probably have to (masih degil lagi) fast forward the plan to feed him later than 6 months. Menengok gaya Adam yang selalu menjeling menjeling makanan plus today's incident, nampak gaya ujung bulan ni, maybe Adam akan menjamah makanan pertamanya.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long Week..

I might take a day off today becoz Adam is not well.
He has fever , flu , and coughing like every 5 minutes.(and then vomit).
Diri sendiri pun tak berapa nak sihat. Spent 9 hours in the office from Saturday midnight for implementation.Only managed to sleep around 2p.m the next day, itupun lepas bawak Adam ambik rotavirus kat Puchong.
Monday was crazzee hell when the implementation which was confirmed 'good' earlier hit issues after issues. (I am not the 1 confirming..relief).Sampai rumah almost 12 a.m but Adam refused to sleep , not till 1 a.m. Tuesday & Wednesday were spent to resolve the ripple effect of Monday's issues. (Nasib ada makan2 sedap ditaja orang naik pangkat kat opis..tu dia, sepinggan kambing bakar aku telan)..

So, haruslah cuti ni.

Note : Feel like losing track of Adam's dev lately. Could be due to reaching home almost 8p.m everyday and by then he is almost asleep. Sudah pandai menyusup (bukan merangkak, tapi tujah badan ke depan pakai kaki while meniarap)..

Ada chef ni kan hidang keju dari breastmilk wife dia to his customers? Don't you think it is awful to let the goodness of your EBM, be eaten by strangers? Some people commented the act as "Innovatively Insane". Could not agree more.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Bukan dilemma ape..Adam dah buat sign nak makan..nampak makanan buat mulut kunyah2..adakala menangis tengok makanan.
Should I or should I not..minum susu formula dia muntah2kan..EBM ok pulak..i wish i could supply more..takda rasa guilty sangat..
Jumpa doc mintak pil untuk + susu..lupa nama..start ngan urup 'D'.
Tanya if it is ok to start him on solid. Doktor cakap takde masalahnye..
(sendiri bikin masalah)..dah set nak bagi after 6 months..
Tengokla bape kejam/keras hati nak tahan tgk dia nangis. After all tinggal cuma sebulan lebih sket je sebelum dia turn 6 months..lama gak tu..aiyyak!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Impossible? Think back..

Dah 4 bulan Adam on bottled EBM.Dicampur2 dgn fm, as a fren said, demand melebihi supply. In my case supply yang so-so plus dia tak mau langsung direct feed.

Hari2 fikir, ini macam kalu, berapa lama boleh tahan susu ni.
BUT, a chat with another mom took me by surprise. Miss R (bukan nama sebenar) has successfully supplied her non direct breastfeed baby with EBM for 1 year & 3 months.Tak campur FM langsung.


Tips : She recommended kurma & lots of plain water. She also has a 5 times a day perah schedule including 2x at night.


Note : Dah berhabis beratus even beribu beli botol susu? Tired of changing bottles after a few months? Jom cuba coddlelife.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Immunization Scheduler

Please go to babycentre to get your baby's personalised immunization scheuduler:

Adam's Recommended Immunization Schedule:
October 2010 (Birth to 2 months)
* Hepatitis B

November 2010 (1 to 4 months)
* Hepatitis B

December 2010 (2 months)
* DTaP
* Hib
* Polio (IPV)
* Pneumococcal (PVC)
* Rotavirus

February 2011 (4 months)
* DTaP
* Hib
* Polio (IPV)
* Pneumococcal (PVC)
* Rotavirus

April 2011 (6 months)
* DTaP
* Hib
* Pneumococcal (PVC)
* Rotavirus

April 2011 (6 to 18 months)
* Hepatitis B
* Polio (IPV)

October 2011 (12 to 15 months)
* Hib
* Pneumococcal (PVC)
* Varicella

October 2011 (12 to 23 months)
* Hepatitis A

January 2012 (15 to 18 months)
* DTaP

October 2012 (2 to 6 years)
* Hepatitis A

October 2014 (4 to 6 years)
* Varicella
* DTaP
* Polio (IPV)

October 2021 (11 to 12 years)
* TDaP (DTaP booster)
* Meningococcal (MCV4)
* HPV (girls only)

Note: Your child should receive a flu shot every fall after turning 6 months old.

Baru2 ni masa ke DEMC, had the chance to ask paed pasal Pneumococcal. Since Adam dah terlepas the 1st shot masa dia 2 bulan, boleh ke lagi dia ambik lepas2 tu. Doc Fadzillah cakap, boleh ambik skrg i.e masa 3 bulan, lepas tu 5 bulan lepas tu ambik booster dia. Adam akan miss 1 shot sbb total sepatutnya 4. Kesian pulak nak soh doc cucuk Adam haritu. Meraung masa nurse bagi itu nebulizer, sekali lagi meraung masa fisio sedut kahak dia. Ni dok pulun makan 3 ubat (2ml every 8 hours), meraung lagi. Maybe tunggu seminggu lagi kalau nak ambik. Kasik dia bertenang dulu lah.

Ada banyak vaccinations yang disyorkan (wah..syorkan) untuk newborn baby sampaila dia besar. Vaccination X untuk prevent penyakit X, vaccination Y untuk prevent penyakit Y.Kalau ikutkan hati, semua pun nak diambik. There are however, base vaccinations & optional vaccinations. Pneumococcal & Rotavirus are optional. Yang base kenala ambik kan. Nak free boleh pergi klinik kerajaan or kalau boleh inject dulu then claim sama company. Haritu ternampak macam booster boleh claim dr comp. Tapi cam biasala kan..makcik ni malas bab2 nak claim melaim (kata berganda??) ni..Pergi cucuk free DTaP untuk Adam kat klinik gomen (menunggu dalam 2 jam).

Seriously everytime Adam kena cucuk, mommy memang tak tengok itu jarum lah! Nak tengok ape, mommy sendiri kena cucuk pun mommy pandang ke lain.hehhehe. Tau bila jarum dah masuk dalam badan bila muka Adam berubah dari normal ke menangis le. 1st time tu mmg menangis gak la (mommy yang nangis sebab kesian). Dah lama2, kau injekla doc/nurse, janji anak sihat!

Friday, January 29, 2010

@3 months

Lama tak jugakla plus tak sihat ..selsema demam and batuk. Adam pun batuk jugak.Kesian bila tengok baby batuk berkahak sebab manala kawan tu tau nak buang kahak macam org dewasa.

Satu siang ni kitorg ke DEMC. Lepas dah pergi klinik biasa 2 3 x, cam tak bape jalan.
Dah Adam kena pakai nebulizer.Lepas tu kena la sedut itu kahak keluar. Tapi lepas pada tu nampak ok la sikit batuk dia. Tung tang tung tang charge around RM110. Keluar2 DEMC, kereta plak kena 'surat chenta' MBSA..takpelah tu..dah nak cepat kan..

Hmm, apa nak update? Adam sudah 3 bulan 1/2. Yang rajin check babycentre mesti pernah jumpa link ni : Baby Milestone

In summary, a 3 month old baby sudah sepatutnya boleh kenal rupa & bau parents dia (bau busuk ka?), sudah boleh meniarap and bergolek2, sudah boleh 'berbual2' dalam bahasa dia sendiri, sudah boleh fokus pada object and selebihnya bacalah sendiri ye!
Seriously letih memang la letih menjaga baby tapi seronok!

On my breastfeeding journey atau more like semi breastfeeding heheh. Adam sudah tak mau direct breastfeed lepas dia 2 bulan. Dia cuma mau EBM dalam botol. So mommy had no choice to perah2 every now and then. Bag pergi kerja haku macam budak sekolah hokkay! Nasib ada gang yang baik hati pinjamkan Spectra3 kat opis sebab dia dah stop keje perah memerah ni since her baby is already on solid. TQ Eda! Ringanla sikit bag mommy pergi kerja. Cuma bawak cooler bag and spectra tube ngan corong dia tuh! On average my ouput (ingat kilang ke?) per day can reach a max of the rest tuh being topped up by formula milk. Sedih jugak sebab tak dapat nak bagi banyak pada Adam. Dah makan macam2, pil ASI, air longan, soya..sikit2 je bertambah. I know it could be due to Adam tak breastfeed direct. Believe me, I had try to make Adam breastfeed again. Botol2 & puting yang mimic mom's breast pun ada ku beli kira2 kalau Adam nipple confuse, cara ni bole bantu dia. He got 'tricked' once or twice lepas tu dia reject semula breastfeeding.

On work, things are picking up rather slowly. Tak jugak slow lah. Awal2 je slow, cam nak tune kepala tu buat kerja semula ambik masa jugak. Skrg dah bolehlah. Malam2 pun dah dapat call semula..(aiyoo!)..itu yang rasa nak carik keje yang tak pening2 kepala tu, tapi apa?

On 'night shifts' i.e jaga Adam malam2, pun dah boleh adjust. Yang best sikit , masa demam seminggu aritu, daddy yang take over tiap2 malam. Kesian jugak, tp kenala share the responsibility, tak gitu?